

Measure vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian activity 24/7, without sensors or surveys


路灯的洞察力® is big data web platform that harnesses connected device and IoT data to measure vehicle, 交通, 自行车, 几乎任何地方都有人流量. 使用我们的自助服务软件全天候分析交通量, 术语叫做, 转弯动作计数, 以及其他交通指标,适用于任何道路, 区域或时间段. 

传统的交通计数器和旅行调查是昂贵的, 它们需要数周的时间来部署, 校准并转化为可操作的见解. 路灯的洞察力® provides on-demand analytics that capture critical trends in transportation, 让你分析, 想象并比较你所在社区的出行模式, 城市-或全国各地.

StreetLight的创新工具 帮助运输机构和咨询公司做出更好的决策, enriching available data sources and filling key data gaps to gain unique insights: From pinpointing where to deploy EV charges to meet new demand, 找出道路安全热点和解决办法, 诊断促进公平获取所需的首页.

路灯的洞察力® offers a proven digital roadmap to transport planning success.

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  • 按需提供答案

    为交通规划和操作而设计, it is a first-of-its-kind platform that lets users answer their mobility questions on-demand.

  • 提供由严格的第三方验证支持的可靠性

    1 .信任,000s of transportation professionals across all lower 48 states and Canadian provinces, 对1进行验证,数千个永久流量计数器.

  • 易于使用和导航

    Measure mobility for any geographic zone, road, 自行车 lane, or sidewalk in a few clicks.

  • 为运输专业人员提供所有合适的工具

    使用所有基本的行业分析, 从原点-目的地到选择链接到转弯运动计数, 无需部署传感器或测量.

  • 消除复杂性


    • 确定首页、道路安全和可达性方面的差距并确定其优先次序
    • Plan EV infrastructure with mobility metrics for site selection, utilization and deployment
    • 了解目标市场的旅游需求
    • 模拟车辆排放物
    • 诊断拥塞和拥塞解决方案
  • 提供灵活的付款计划

    Pay-as-you-go and unlimited plans available for self-serve or assisted project delivery.

“我们分析的尺度并不适合传统技术. The customization that is possible and the ability to take a deep-dive into various subsets of the market really made StreetLight reveal itself as a fantastic resource available to us to help solve these questions.”




  • 自助式,SaaS移动测量平台
  • 全天候访问美国的交通分析.S. 和加拿大
  • Proprietary Route Science® powered travel patterns spanning urban and rural transportation network
  • All major transport modes, including vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and 交通
  • 始发目的地,流量计数和其他基本分析
  • 人口覆盖
  • Dynamic, 3D map visualizations, powerful charts or comma-separated values (CSV) output
  • 培训、支持和在线帮助中心




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